Winspiration-Day 2017 nominiert Marisa Peer

Marisa Peer was
once told that she’d never be successful because she didn’t have what
it took. She wasn’t smart enough. She wasn’t confident enough. She
wasn’t talented enough. She was thinking she could not be enough.
But Marissa refused to be defeated and she defied her critics. Rather
than becoming a nanny as she had planned, she went on to become the
United Kingdom’s number one therapist.

Marisa achieved this all through the power of Transformational
Hypnotherapy, a science which can enable people to become extraordinary
individuals within one or two sessions.

this and only this one sentence, Marisa helped thousands of people to
change their lives and discover unlimited self-confidence!

A best-selling author of four books, Marisa teaches ‘simple steps that
produce dramatic and life-changing results’. She brings her
one-of-a-kind therapy room techniques to the podium, leaving her
audiences completely transformed. Her acclaimed ‘Mastermind Your Life’
series focuses on the thought patterns and mental habits that can be
detrimental or beneficial to our success, depending on how we use them.
When she reveals to audiences her fundamental rule—that all our
emotional and personal problems come from us believing that we’re not
‘enough’—and explains how to overcome it, the results are absolutely

Marisa Peer is the second of the nominees chosen by the Winspiration
Association for the Winspiration Award and passes this ultimate message
to us: I am enough and We are enough to make a difference!

On May 7th, 2017 in
the city of Los Angeles, California, USA, we will reveal the best
project of the year and we look forward to your participation in this
wonderful event!
For more information, please, visit our website:

Share with us your projects! We are happy to connect and to share positive energy together around the globe!

Let your light shine!

Kind regards,

Aline Banon – Vice – President – Winspiration Association
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Arnold Schwarzenegger ist eine echte Inspiration …

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a true inspiration!

For the second time, the Winspiration Association nominees give to us unbelievable life lessons of persistence, faith and belief in ourselves.
Arnold Schwarzenegger first gained fame as a body builder, using that as a launching pad to become a huge Hollywood star and, later, the governor of California.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was born on July 30, 1947, in small town near Graz, Austria. He had a dream, and going for his dream made him a giant Hollywood star, an entrepreneur, a governor, and the person who took an active role in the global change of the country, society and the entire world!

Equally significant, Schwarzenegger, who had immigrated to the United States in 1968, helped propel the sport into the mainstream, culminating in the 1977 documentary,Pumping Iron, which tells the tale of Schwarzenegger’s defense of his Mr. Olympia crown.

Arnold become a person who made significant positive change to the sport in the USA, encouraging people to seek and enjoy the privilege of a healthy lifestyle.
In 2003, Schwarzenegger again showed his resolve to succeed when he threw his hat into the ring for the California governor’s race and won a seat in a special election.
As governor, Schwarzenegger worked to improve the state’s financial situation, promote new businesses, and protect the environment. In 2006, he easily won his bid for re-election.

Throughout his career, Schwarzenegger has credited former U.S. President Ronald Reagan as a personal inspiration. Remembering his early years in the United States, Schwarzenegger once said,

„I became a citizen of the United States when [Reagan] was president, and he is the first president I voted for as an American citizen. He inspired me and made me even prouder to be a new American.“
Today, Arnold Schwarzenegger uses his high profile and position to lead discussions on climate change, and with his active participation, he helps make the world a better place for us all!
On May 7th, 2017 in the city of Los Angeles, California, USA, we will reveal the best project of the year and we look forward to your participation in this wonderful event!
For more information, please, visit our website:

Share with us your projects! We are happy to connect and to share positive energy together around the globe!

The Best is Yet to Come!

Kind regards, Aline Banon – Vice -President Winspiration Association

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Meine Frau sagt: „Klingt für mich wie Science Fiction“

„Wer nicht mit der Zeit geht, geht mit der Zeit.“ Carl Josef Neckermann. (1912 – 1992)

Dieses Zitat hat nach wie vor seine Gültigkeit.
Wir leben alle in spannenden Zeiten mit großen, z.T. großartigen und auch weniger wünschenswerten Veränderungen.

  • Vor 15 Jahren gab es noch kein Facebook.
  • Vor 10 Jahren war die Immobilienblase mit dem anschließenden (fast) Finanzcrash 
  • und vor 5 Jahren war der Bitcoin noch 6 – 7 $ wert.

Auch, wenn es für viele immer noch unglaublich, undurchschaubar oder sogar unseriös klingt, der Bitcoin wird von immer mehr Geschäften und Online-Dienstleistern als Zahlungsmethode akzeptiert.

Darunter sind so große Namen wie:

Bitcoin ist längst keine Fiction mehr, sondern Realität und wird zur Zeit um die 400.000 mal täglich weltweit eingesetzt. Das kann man alles transparent, öffentlich und exakt auf dieser Seite hier sehen:

Die Frage ist, was machen SIE mit diesen Informationen?
Hoffen sie weiter, dass alles so bleibt wie bisher, oder dass alles nicht so schlimm wird, oder dass sich der Hype langsam wieder legen wird?
Ganz sicher nicht!

Bitcoin wird für jeden mittelfristig zum Alltag gehören und der Kurs wird mittelfristig deutlich ansteigen.
Kümmern sie sich also bei Zeiten um dieses Thema, damit nicht dieses Zitat auf Sie zutrifft: 
„Wer zu spät kommt, den bestraft das Leben“ Michail Gorbatschow 1989

Hier finden Sie eine 3-teilige Videoschulung zum Thema BitCoin, Investieren in Bitcoin und verdienen an/mit dem Bitcoin:

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